Friday, February 6, 2015

im going to do a small post about music used in tribal beliefs, dances, rituals, ect. first im going to start with drums. drums are one of the most important instrument in most native american tribes. several oral traditions state that drumbeats is the earth's heartbeat. drums are often accompanied by human voices and the people who actually play the drums are called singers instead of drummers due to close relation. another instrument that is used is the flute which is used for a variety of occasions and are all tuned differently according to the tribe. Shaman's drums and rattles are used in tribes to cure physical and mental ailments. even though native americans do actually use instruments in most of their music they rarely play just instrumental pieces since they consider singing the most important part of music  

Stereotypes in music

there are several stereotypes related to music and i know there are probably tons out there but for now im struggling finding some. i have been having difficulty finding at least one website that had what im looking for. this isnt my first time struggling for the history on national anthems it took me 2 20% time days to finish it. even though i am having some difficulties i do hope to find at least something on the subject of stereotyping in different music genres but until then im leaving with this. i hope to find something else to work on and or research but that possibly wont happen until i get around this road block. i might one day post one or two of my songs that i have written on here but for now i rather keep those private. until next time im leaving it as is.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Today i am doing the history behind a group of 10 national anthems.

1. United States "the star spangled banner" the writer of the star spangled banner Francis Scott Key was 35 years old when he was on a british fleet ship trying to persuade the british to release his friend which he succeeded in but they both had to remain on this ship since they knew the British plan. On September 14th in a clearing of the fog he saw the American flag (which was originally created by Betsy Ross) instead of the British Union Jack. that led him to write "in the dawn's early light" and thus the star spangled banner was born.

2. United Kingdom "God Save The Queen" The song is reportedly borrowed from the french. both the words and music have gone under changes since the 18th century but since no official verse has ever been approved only the first 3 strophes have been used today

3. France: "La Marseillaise"  The song was first under the name of "Chant de guerre aux armées des frontières" until the Parisians gave it its official name. It was declared the National Anthem July 14th 1795 until it was banned under the empire. After the July revolt of 1830 it was adopted under the 3rd republic in 1879 and is still the national anthem today.

4. Canada: "Oh Canada!"Calixa Lavallee was considered " Canada's national musician" and was asked to compose music to a poem written by Judge Adolphe-Basile Routhier. There was a national competition being held for a national hymn to have its first performance. Théodore Robitaille asked Judge Adolphe-Basil Routhier to write a hymn and Calixa Lavallee to write the music for it. At the first performance it was sung in french and didnt leave a lasting impression until years later when school children sang it in 1901 when Duke and Duchess of cornwall toured Canada. Five years later Whaley and Royce in Toronto Canada published it and it became official.

5. Australia: "Advance Australia Fair" The song was first written n 1878 by Peter Dodds McCormick was made the national anthem April 11th 1984 replaced the former national anthem "God Save The Queen" which is still used at occasions that are attended by members of the Royal Family.

 6. Germany: "Deutschlandied" The song was composed in 1797 by Franz Joseph Haydn but was originally for The National Anthem of Austria until world war II. ( August 11th 1922) 

7. Denmark: "Der er et yndigt land" The song was adopted in 1844 as the national anthem with only the first third fifth and last verses used and is not the only national anthem being used.

8. Japan: "Kimigayo"The song got its melody by The first bandmaster of the Japanese army John William Fenton in 1860 but wasnt officially used as the national anthem until August 9th 1999

9. China:"March of the Volunteers" The song was written in 1935 and was officially used when the communist took power in 1949. during china's cultural revolution it was forbidden to be sung when Mao zedong was in power and was replaced by "the east is red" until Mao's death. After he died the original national anthem was restored but with different words until 1982.

10. New Zealand: "God defend New Zealand"  The song was written by Thomas Bracken in 1878 but wasnt officially used until 1977.

ive done pretty well with working on music and learning more about it. the only bad thing is im not sure what to do after this. i've covered about everything that i can think of at the moment. i might try to do a blog about tribal traditions that include music or ancient beliefs that include music in some shape or form.  I also might try to include stereotypes about the different genres of music.