Monday, May 11, 2015

                                     20% time project- the sound of music

           Hi, my name is Tori. the 20% time project i have created is based upon the history of something used daily. Music. Music sounds simple right? This is not the case, even though music is simple seeming there is a lot that goes into its production. Music has been evolving for millions of years! this is what I'm discussing today.
          Sure, I accomplished my goal of learning more about the history of music and writing better songs but what i got out of it was so much greater. I got so much more out of this because I gave my all with finding the facts then gaining that knowledge. This knowledge not only taught me the history of music, but it also allowed me to find new ways to write songs. Music has evolved so much from animal made instruments in early B.C times to now in the 2000's with the over glamorized auto tune and instruments made of more complex materials. I have learned and grown with this project in different ways.
        There is still so much more I want to learn and still a lot to learn since music styles are still changing. I have had challenges with this project like i expected would happen with me either not finding enough information or not knowing what to write about in general. Those challenges were not easy but were successfully overcome by branching off from other posts in my blog. My biggest accomplishments were learning about the early styles and history of music, and learning about how instruments were first made, and how they have changed since then. I consider these accomplishments even though I didn't find out every single thing I wanted to learn, but i still found out a lot.
        I found out new information about some genres, eras of music, and styles of music. I also found out new information about instruments that I didn't know before. I also learned some facts about singers in music history that made such a huge impact on the way music is today. One more thing I learned abut was how music doesn't just affect humans but also affects animals when i did my post on how different genres of music affected them. My final thoughts are that even though this project is being wrapped up there is still a lot more to learn and explore. Even with the difficulties I has I was still able to discover more than what i originally knew bwfore

Friday, May 1, 2015

the making of the project on the poster board has been a bit challenging trying to find what would work font and picture wise and what wouldn't. some photos were too small and the first font was too small. trying to put cds on the board wasn't challenging at all though. its been fairly easy work wise but the hard part was finding time to work on it while i had a busy week with choir.